Descripción de sí mismo: I have quiet character, I like a home coziness, I have sense of humor, I like animals, I value the life, I'm the optimist, I believe in good luck, I am interested in the all not ordinary, unusual, astrology, etc. I like to go for a rest to mountains, I like socializing with the friends, to go to the theatre, to the circus together with the daughter. My family should be harmonious, healthy and happy; my job should be beloved; my beloved man, good luck, health and love are very important for me. I have ended a choreographic school, courses of the hairdressers. I have a cat and loggerhead (turtle). Exigencias: He is romantic, has quiet character, has sense of humor, is vigorous and counterbalanced, is sure in own forces, has body height from 175 cm (5'9") and higher. |